Rocko's Modern Life

1. No Pain, No Gain

2. Who Gives a Buck

3. Leap Frogs

4. Bedfellows

5. Jet Scream

6. Dirty Dog

7. Keeping Up with the Bigheads

8. Skid Marks

9. Power Trip

10. To Heck and Back

11. The Good, the Bad, and the Wallaby

12. Trash-O-Madness

13. Spitballs

14. Popcorn Pandemonium

15. A Sucker for the Suck-O-Matic

16. Canned

17. Carnival Knowledge

18. Sand in Your Navel

19. Cabin Fever

20. Rinse & Spit

21. Rocko's Happy Sack

22. Flu-In-U-Enza

23. Who's for Dinner?

24. Love Spanked

25. Clean Lovin'

26. Unbalanced Load
Rocko is a wallaby who has emigrated to America from Australia. He lives in O-Town and tries to get through life but, of course, comes across a multitude of dilemmas and misadventures he must get through. Other characters include Rocko's best friend, Heffer, a steer who has been raised by wolves, Filbert, a paranoid hypochondriac turtle, Rocko's faithful (but none-too-bright) dog Spunky, and Ed Bighead who detests Rocko and hates having him for a next door neighbor. On this show, Rocko has such adventures as trying to adapt to a new vacuum cleaner, having Heffer move in temporarily after his parents kick him out, and going to a movie theater.