Big Cook, Little Cook
1. Princess and the Pea
2. Flower Fairy
3. Knight
4. Cat
5. Old Macdonald
6. Spaceman
7. Holiday Maker
8. Decorator
9. Humpty Dumpty
10. Magician
11. Footballer
12. Bear
13. Racing Driver
14. Robot
15. Little Red Riding Hood
16. Elephant
17. Mermaid
18. Clown
19. Pilot
20. Hairdresser
21. Crocodile
22. Duck
23. Pink Monster
24. Tortoise
25. Disco Dancer
26. Police Officer
27. Sailor
28. Little Bo Peep
Big Cook, Little Cook is a t.v. series for nursery school-aged children broadcast on BBC television channels. The programme is set in the kitchen of a café, with two main characters, Big Cook Ben and Little Cook Small. Ben is a full-sized adult, but Small is only a few inches tall and flies on a wooden spoon. The format of a programme generally includes a visit to the café by a nursery rhyme or fairy tale character. Little Cook tells a story about the visitor in which he’s the real hero, and then they decide to cook the visitor a meal from Big Cook's recipe book. Little Cook will then fly away on his magic spoon to see where one of the ingredients is made. Activities within the kitchen, such as washing up and tidying up, are accompanied by catchy song and dance routines. Both cooks act in a way to encourage children to take an interest in cooking. Big Cook does most of the cooking and tells the viewers how to make the recipes; Little Cook does some preparation or sets the timer.