Toad & Friends
1. A lick of paint
2. Captain Ratty
3. Roughing It
4. Lights, Camera, Disaster
5. Hedge Flies High
6. Regatta
7. Eau de Toad
8. The Ghost Tour
9. Scare Toads
10. Nurse Toad
11. Poetry Slam
12. Kingfishers Silly Song
13. Jam Packed Day
14. Jack of the Green
15. Otter Disaster
16. Security!
17. The Hammock
18. The Mystery of the Missing Pears
19. Ratty Hall
20. Moles Broken Glasses
21. Hot Air Toad
22. Portrait of a Toad
23. The Chair
24. The Wild Wood Warblers
25. Bedtime Story
26. Hedges First Christmas
27. Parcel Farce
28. Toad on the Road
29. Check No Mates
30. River Monster!
31. Weasels Ahoy!
32. Be More Toad
33. Mr. Tiddles
34. Just Desserts
35. Horse Power
36. Drip Drop
37. Chief for a Day
38. Sail Away
39. Do Not Disturb
40. Brother Knows Best
41. An Unwelcome Guest
42. Toad's Number One Fan
43. Helpful Hedge
44. Portly's Pet
45. Run Toad Run!
46. Hit The High Note
47. Fog Creatures
48. Marvellous Mud
49. Hiccups and Honey
50. Tinker in Charge
51. The Songstone
52. A Fond Farewell
Kenneth Grahame’s literary classic ‘Wind in the Willows’ springs to life in this new series following the further adventures of the much loved characters: kind and considerate Mole, reliable Rat and of course incorrigible Toad. Situated on and around the river that is such a big part of their lives and landscape, they are now joined by irrepressible Hedge the Hedgehog, Kingfisher, Heron and Adder. And let’s not forget the scheming Weasels who still want to take over Toad Hall, for whomever controls Toad Hall controls the River. The series embraces all the values of the original book – endeavour, adventure, teamwork and kindness – and is set to become a modern classic.