Soldier of Fortune, Inc.
Soldier of Fortune, Inc.
1. Genesis
2. Power Corrupts
3. Over the Wire
4. For Love or Money
5. Alpha Dogs
6. Broken Play
7. Collateral Damage
8. La Mano Negra
9. Missing in Action
10. Last Chance
11. When the Hammer Falls
12. Surgical Strike
13. Hired Guns
14. Déja Vu
15. Apres Vu
16. Scorned
17. Tight Spot
18. Double-Edged Sword
19. Payback
20. Top Event
Soldier of Fortune, Inc. was a television show created by Dan Gordon which ran for two seasons, from 1997–1999 The show was about an elite team who performed "unofficial" missions for the US Government. During the first season, the show dealt with terrorists and drug lords, and often tackled issues such as patriotism and self-sacrifice. For the second season, the show was renamed SOF: Special Ops Force. Andrews and Sheppard left the show. Dennis Rodman and David Eigenberg replaced them, though their "hip" characters and new plots led many to abandon the show, leading to its cancellation. The theme song was performed by Trevor Rabin. During the second season, a voice-over by Peter Graves was added.