The Wonderful World of Disney
The Wonderful World of Disney
1. The Disneyland Story
2. Alice in Wonderland [1951]
3. Prairie/Seal Island
4. The Donald Duck Story
5. So Dear to My Heart
6. A Story of Dogs

7. Operation Undersea
8. Davy Crockett: Indian Fighter
9. A Present for Donald
10. Beaver Valley/Cameras in Africa
11. Treasure Island [1950] (1)
12. Treasure Island [1950] (2)
13. Monsters of the Deep
14. Davy Crockett: Goes to Congress
15. The Wind in the Willows
16. A Progress Report/Nature's Half Acre
17. Calvacade of Songs
18. Davy Crockett: At the Alamo
19. From Aesop to Hans Christian Andersen

20. Man in Space
21. The Pre-Opening Report from Disneyland
22. Dateline: Disneyland
Walt Disney Productions has produced an anthology television series under several different titles since 1954. The original version of the series premiered on ABC, Wednesday night, October 27, 1954. The show, which was hosted by Walt Disney until his death and then from 1996 to 2002 by then-CEO Michael Eisner (with one-off hosts or no hosts during other periods) has since aired continually as either a weekly program or an irregular series of specials on several networks and streaming services, most recently on ABC and Disney+. The show is the second longest showing prime-time program on American television, behind its rival, Hallmark Hall of Fame. However, Hallmark Hall of Fame was a weekly program only during its first five seasons, while Disney remained a weekly program for more than forty years.